Wednesday, June 1, 2011

BECOME with Gatorade - review and $100 giftcard giveaway


My girls dance.

My girls dance hard.

My girls are athletes.

{that girl can jump}

When Blogher approached me and asked if I'd be interested in joining a web conference with Gatorade -- where we'd discuss being a Sports Mom, would learn about the science of sports nutrition with The Gatorade Sports Science Institute, would view Gatorade's new site geared for moms, and would be given the opportunity to chat with the ultimate Gatorade Sport's Mom, Stephanie Hamm { the awesome and amazing Olympic Gold soccer player, Mia Hamma's mom } -- I knew I was in.

I was blessed.

Stephanie Hamm is incredibly encouraging and supportive of parents raising athletes. She took time to answer questions from each of us and offer advice how to raise athletic children.  I loved how she addressed incorporating family time with athletic dreams.  Her words that truly impacted me? Talk with your kids. Be involved. Sit on the sidelines. Cheer. Support. Encourage. Connect with your kids.

I love that. It speaks to my parenting heart.

You can listen to her share her story in this video -- Stephanie Hamm's Sport's Mom Story

Stephanie encouraged us mothers to check out the new Gatorade {click to visit} site  -- -- that is designed specifically for moms -- The Gatorade Sports Mom. Studies have shown that mothers of athletes are a unique and distinct group of parents. is designed for this mom -- loaded with tips, questions, and advice -- an unbelievable resource for a mom whose child is in any stage of the athletic journey.

The theme of the Gatorade mom's site which echoes Stephanie Hamm's advice? BECOME.

The second half of the call was spent with Lisa Esposito from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute. I cannot even begin to tell you how much information -- valuable information -- was shared.  Gatorade embraces the athlete and is founded in science.  She discussed the science behind exercise and emphasized that the "better an athlete fuels the better they feel."

As a mother of four current athletes {with three more waiting to join the ranks} I took away several critical points from this portion.

1} Mom's most influence is in nutrition
2} 70% of teens are dehydrated coming into practice.
3} Athletes should NOT skip meals
4} Athletes should eat protein within 30-60 minutes of performance.

I learned that as a mother, I have direct influence in helping my child athletes -- from the younger soccer players to my older intensely driven ballet dancers -- perform at their peak. If I make a conscious effort to, as Gatorade promotes, "fuel the body" then my daughters will be able to leap higher, turn stronger, and dance longer.  Their bodies are fueled.

Gatorade provides three different products for fueling the athlete. They are: Prime {taken before exercise}, Perform {during}, and Recover {afterwards}.  I know that my cart will be stocked now with these products. My oldest daughter {shown in the pictures} dances close to 20 hours a week. Hard, physical, taxing work. And now, I can help her, thanks to Gatorade's advice and research, fuel herself.

Thank you Gatorade for caring about nutrition because that's caring about my kids.

Now for the awesome giveaway, thanks to Gatorade and Blogher.  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to give my readers an opportunity to win a

  $100 giftcard to Dick's Sporting Goods 
{how awesome is that?}

To enter -- simply leave a comment telling me:

What sports does your child 
participate in that makes you a Sports Mom??


You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.

No duplicate comments. This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. This give-away runs from June 1 - June 30, 2011. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected. The Official Rules are available Visit the Official Rules

For more chances to win visit Blogher's Prizes & Promotions section
Remember to  Visit the Official Gatorade Site 


KTW said...

This is fantastic! It's great to read about other moms who encourage their athletic kids to be the best they can be. :) I was never an athlete, so I have no sage advice on how to better run the bases or getting that kip on the uneven parallel bars. But I do want to encourage my kids! Influencing their eating and drinking habits is one thing I CAN do. I try to promote healthy snacks and I always push WATER. Sports drinks aren't necessary on a regular basis and can be very unhealthily heavy on carbs and calories.

Patrice said...

I have one athlete, but with all my kids I promote clean healthy food without dangerous additives and pesticides. While only one is an athlete (a blooming cowgirl!), I'm also raising a future opera singer and you would not believe how physically demanding that is. I never knew before she got really involved and had years of training. Their bodies are like well oiled machines. Try having a kid that has such incredible air capacity that they can blow the frosting off their birthday cake! :)That's another story! Nevertheless- all kids deserve good health and the best their parents can do for them.

Mami2jcn said...

My boys play basketball.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...


mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Sandra said...

My sweet 6 year old girl is in ballet and my four year old loves soccer! I don't know if that makes me a full blown sports mom, yet, but I'm on my way! I've even got the mom-van to prove it! :)

Excited for this giveaway! Thanks!

Cinnamon said...

What a fun post for us sports Mamas :-)

Let's see, we have many children in sports but thankfully it's never been overwhelming or too much. We all make it a family affair, cheering, buying *fueling* foods, all that goes with encouraging our guy/gal in their sport.

Our oldest played: football, basketball, and wrestled.

Next son: competes in Triathlons, football, wrestling, track

Next son: Track

Oldest daughter: Softball, basketball and track.

Lots of children. Lots of fun. Lots of tired children - the way I like them :-)


Lesley Mitchell said...

We are a basketball family! Everyone plays!

Lauren said...

My two oldest are playing t-ball and are in dance. My younger three will be playing sports as soon as they're old enough! :)

Southern Gal said...

Thanks for the chance!

In this season of life it's soccer and swim team for me. I love supporting our kids in all their interests.

carissa said...

beautiful photos of athlete hannah. wow!

what a fantastic opportunity for you.

considering my kiddos are 2 and almost 1, our sports include: learning to swim, learning to throw the ball, and learning to walk. : ) hope that counts!

Unknown said...

Wow that sounds like a cool conference!! We have been through many sports but my daughter is a dancer (about 10 hours a week) and my son is sort of between sports - played pop warner and flag football last year!

Unknown said...

Tweeted here:!/biggreenpen/status/76126475757170688

Oh how I could use that GC!! Thanks for doing this giveaway.

lyndsey said...


lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My boys do nothing "officially". ha! What they do love though is anything with a ball... karate (or even kung fu!). They would be SO happy if Momma could go to Dicks Sporting Goods and use $100 for their wild side! ha!


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

my boy is a soccer star. he is great

Helen Keeler said...

My granddaught participates in basketball. So that makes me a Sports Grandma. I love watching her play.

Amy said...

My son is too little for sports now, but my husband will make sure he plays football. I would like him to try everything and then he can decide which one he likes best.

Sara said...

I don't have any kids, but all of my younger siblings play sports. I love to help practice softball with my little sister and cheer her on from the sidelines!

Sara said...

forgot my email..

Bree said...

Our 3 oldest boys are in baseball and jiu-jitsu-a full schedule! but it truly is a blessing to see them learning and developing sportsmanship, endurance and character.-Good stuff! Great info in the review-thanks!

karenmed409 said...

Swimming is our big guy's sport.. he loves to compete in the mile swim
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

samke23 said...

Soccer is the sport of choice around here!

samke23 at gmail dot com

Tracey said...

Liz plays softball and Tristan plays baseball.

wigget said...

right now, i'm a t-ball mom

Anonymous said...

our kids play whatever they can. thanks again.

So I say...Living Life to the Fullest said...

I grew up playing sports, as I'm sure many do. So, from the kid standpoint I understand the importance of having parents behind you in sports including the eating correctly part. There were several times that I didn't have enough protein in my system before a game/practice. Not only I could tell a different, but I'm sure those around me could tell the difference as well.

Wow on the how 20 hours a week thing! Your girls are definitely dedicated. I don't know if I ever came close to that. Maybe when I did cross country. Not too sure...

So I say...Living Life to the Fullest said...


Anash said...

my youngins play soccer
Thanks for the chance to win!! What a lovely giveaway
anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anash said...

I tweeted here:
Thanks for the chance!!
anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

sherry said...

lots of talent

Clarke & Lewis said...

I have a 5 yo and a 1 yo so we are now starting to get into the sporting habit. My 5 yo does taekwondo and even at his level I try to make sure he stays hydrated.

Clarke & Lewis said...!/rsmc1/status/77571876754432000

Selinda said...

My son is a soccer player for about a year and a half now. He loves and brags to everyone that he plays soccer!


selinda_mccumbers at

Tabathia B said...

My daughter's participate in volleyball
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

JC said...

DD is into soccer now.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...

Katherine said...

One of my daughters is a cheerleader, and the other is a dancer.

katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com

Elena Istomina said...

My son plays soccer. Thank you for the giveaway!

susan1215 said...

My son plays soccer and my daughter plays volleyball

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

My son plays soccer and my daughter plays volleyball

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...!/susan1215/status/79570587181264896

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

My boys run!

Jennifer Marie

lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...


jennifer marie

lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

MCantu1019 said...

My daughter loves to play basketball.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

my son and daughter like to play basketball


Anonymous said...

We love football!
pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...


pokergrl8 at

Anonymous said...

Son played football and did track and my daughters big thing was track, she did others things but thats what she loved

Tina said...

My boys play football

Tina said...!/HappyTina0115/status/81178907692367872

Ms Mary said...

My son is in JROTC so they do PT, march, and a lot of activities that are hard on the body. When they march in full uniform on a hot day in a 3 mile parade they need all the help they can get.

Jen said...


jenniekcoupons at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My son played hockey when he was little. I love it and so did he.

gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Tweeted here too!/gmissycat/status/81868548150005761

gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Susan E. said...

I wasn't a sports mom but my sister was and my nephew participated in baseball.


Catherine said...

My boys are both active in mixed martial arts and swimming.

Thanks for great post and the giveaway

Brindamorr AT aol DOT com

Debbie said...

My daughter plays soccer and basketball. I love your first picture! Wonderful shot!

Rodna Allman said...

My son plays everything! Just not officially yet. He is 6, but he loves to play basketball with his dad the most.

Joy said...

My boys play baseball. My older son is more competitive in baseball. His coach made my son's day when he told him that he is a natural pitcher. I was so happy to hear that about my son! I would love to win the giftcard so I can get him some baseball gear that he needs!

Michelle Smith said...

My 15 year old is a Venturer scout and my 13 year old is a Boy Scout (First Class), so both go hiking frequently. My 13 year old is also going to join Track and/or Cross Country in August now that he is old enough to do so. He likes to go to the park and run on the track. :)

ajandmichelle AT juno DOT com

m&msmommy said...

Great post! My children are only 5 and 1 so I'm not a sports mom YET, but I can't wait to be one. Manuel LOVES soccer, and wants to start karate soon. I would love to win the gift card so I could get him all the fun sporst equipment that he needs! :)

gomez6281 at gmail dot com

Penny said...

I have a talented baseball player; two figure skaters; one of the skaters has begun gymnastics; the other skater has begun marching band, which is very athletic and competitive.

purple squirrel said...


My DD Irish Step-dances (10-15 hrs/week, not including performances and/or competitions... then it's more)

Note to Gatorade~ her TC doesn't allow "Colored" drinks in the studio, and I don't allow HFCS or other "Fake" sugars~ Glad to see that there is at least one clear Gatorade beverage.

DS plays baseball, and skateboards the rest of the time.

Yup~ we need to get those kids to drink before during and after!

Thanks for offering this. :)

Our Homeschool Reviews said...

What a great post! I love the first picture of your daughter. My daughter (who is 8) is in dance 3 hours a week (soon to be 4 hours), swim in the summer (4 hours a week), and soccer in the fall and spring (2 hours a week).

Mrs. White said...

Thank you for this opportunity!

My 16 year old daughter is a full-time dance student (ballet, jazz, etc.)

My son (13) takes Karate.

Mrs. White
The Legacy of Home

Doreen said...

My 11 year old son does karate. He is currently a second degree purple belt which is only 3 belts from his black belt. We are very proud of him!


Sarah said...

I'm not a sports person but my children enjoy them and the real question is what aren't they doing LOL My girls have done ballet and tap and will be doing Contemporary Worship dance, they all at one time or another do soccer, basketball, softball, and my son will be doing karate once he turns 5

Sarah said...


CAROLINA said...

Oh, its baseball.

angie lilly said...

I don't actually have any kids, but if I did, I would love to hike with them or bike or eco-walk with them to show them that being athletic doesn't just mean competing but means being healthy and active. Gardening and birding and the arts would be a huge part of their lives too! I hope this is an OK answer!
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I tweeted here:!/FotoMacro/status/85750265403289602
14earth at gmail dot com

KellyRBaker said...

My boys are still kind of young for organized sport, but we are talking about a homeschool soccer group. Otherwise, we walk daily. :)

debsweeps4 said...

My son plays T-Ball.

Tabathia B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tabathia B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kolpin said...

no kids, but i hike & bike all the time. i love being outdoors

kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...


Anonymous said...

My son, Jayce, is playing T-ball. We film most of his games. He loves to really "ham it up" for the camera when running bases. One day he will be soooo embarrassed!

Julie said...

No organized sports yet (he is just barely to young) but he loves to parkour (which is jumping off of high places and doing other tricks) and we can't wait to sign him up for wee-ball and gymnastics.

Jenilee said...

my girls do cheerleading/tumbling with their homeschool group :)

~dab said...


Radkids said...

My kids play soccer and we love it!!

Radkids said...

Nutrition with fitness=success!

Howell said...

baseball and tennis

hlee99 (at) gmail (dot) com

wizardewu said...

tennis year round

eugeniewu at gmail dot com

Beth said...

baseball, tennis, basketball!

stacy said...

No children in sports yet, but I played basketball, soccer, softball, and swam and my husband wrestled, lifted weights, and played football, so there are plenty of sports to choose from.

the imagine tree at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

My kids play baseball, soccer and basketball wilcarvic

Gaines7 said...
